Mathematics 2500 - 002 - course 33756 - Spring 2024

Calculus III

There are currently 21 students enrolled in this course. The maximum enrollment is 28 possible students.This course is offered by the Mathematics and Statistics departmentin the College of Sciences . It is classified as a Lecture, and is worth 4. It meets on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, from 12:50 pm to 01:40 pm in Old Falvey 105. It meets on Thursdays, from 11:30 am to 12:20 pm in Tolentine Hall 303B.The course is instructed by Jantzen, Robert.

Course description:

Parametric equations; polar, cylindrical, and sphericalcoordinates; vectors and the geometry of space; vectorfunctions (derivatives, integrals, curvature, etc.);partial derivatives; optimization; multiple integration andits applications; vector calculus (line integrals, vectoranalysis). Continued use of a computer algebra system.