Chemistry 1152 - 001 - course 31990 - Spring 2015
General Chemistry II
There are currently 6 students enrolled in this course. The maximum enrollment is 18 possible students.This course is offered by the Chemistry & Biochemistry departmentin the College of Sciences . It is classified as a Lecture/Recitation, and is worth 4. It meets on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, from 01:30 pm to 02:20 pm in Mendel Hall 213. It meets on Thursdays, from 02:30 pm to 03:20 pm in Chemical Engineering Building 202.The course is instructed by Febo-Ayala, Wilma.Course description:
Continuation of CHM 1151. Introduction to chemical kineticsand equilibrium; the chemistry of acids and bases; buffersand titrations; complex ions and solubility; factors thatdrive chemical reactions; electrochemistry; nuclearchemistry.