Communication 3462 - 002 - course 34767 - Spring 2009

Public Relations Writing

There are currently 7 students enrolled in this course. The maximum enrollment is 20 possible students.This course is offered by the Communication departmentin the College of Arts . It is classified as a Lecture, and is worth 3. It meets on Tuesdays, Thursdays, from 11:30 am to 12:45 pm in Falvey Hall EMEDIA.The course is instructed by Flanagan, Jill.

Course description:

Offers students the foundation for producing a variety ofwritten public relations materials. Structure includes anoverview of the journalistic style of writing along withextensive practice in writing fundamentals. Following thework on enhancing writing skills, students will develop avariety of pieces for their portfolios. Final classproducts include print news releases, position papers,feature stories, media advisories, media kit, and otherrelated assignments. Course is strongly recommended forstudents interested in public relations, advertising,marketing, and organizational communication.